Friday, February 29, 2008

I am tension now!

Tension and almost want to kill people now! The main server is down with Internal Error when I am about to post my most important article - big payout making money article! Can you just believe that?!?

Where is the limit? How do you cope with this? Am I wrong to blame that it is not my fault? yes, I am hot now. If you in my position, I hope you understand.

Ok enough of this. I go find something to kick! :mad:

update at 2:30pm :- I love! the moment i click the "publish post". I go back to the main blogs - they all up!!!!! The loading is so fast, I cannot believe it was down for more than two hours. That is why I love Meaning, when the main server is down, i just curse here upside down and they are back up again. How cool is that. hahaha.

I better go publish some article before its down again. Sssssshh.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What a long holiday!

I thought I'm dead already. I know my main blog is dead. DEAD FROM MY ACCESS!!! I am not sure why I cannot access them since I can access this blogspot and my other blogs. I know one thing, they are of different server, different location. Sadly, main ones are the one I cannot access. This is so frustrating.