Thursday, November 1, 2007

Summary from the Main Blog!

Yes, this is a summary from the main blog at the PapaJoneh's Little Knowledge.

  1. I talked about my cute little puppy named Truggy. He is RIP now but sadly probably poisoned by the neighbors. How he played well with my son Josh and how he is so cheerful like keep waggling his tail non-stop. You really geram looking at it. Cannot stop one.
  2. I did the food test done by Ratu Syura, while she end up as Mexican Food, I on the other hand, end up as the Chinese food.
    The character I was assumed as: Exotic Yet Ordinary, People think they’ve had enough of you, but they’re back for more in an hour.
  3. Lastly, the sleepy, stress reliever exercise. You just have to be there to see the pictures.
OK, that is all from me. Hope Nessa can visit the main blog but I hope she's enjoying herself the same. :)


Nessa said...

Kalau saya menyibuk di sini bermaksud saya masih tidak dapat melawat your main blog... hehehe

Thanks for the update, I've missed out many interesting posts:(

Dulu I had a dog too, also died of poisoning... because dia punya mulut berbuih. Kasian betul the dog:( Apa la salah dia sampai kena poison??

JPP Papa said...

Entah kenapalah kau ndak boleh visit ni... ndak apalah.. I will update this blog ASAP.. just for u.. only if u keep asking.. :D

Kesian kan the doggy.. jahat betul orang ni. Now im really phobia having a pet. I don't want them to die in my hand. So kesian :(